Thursday, May 5, 2011

Of Virginia Military Institute

Virginia Military Institute is where I have my heart set on attending for my college years. This here's a sonnet for a school assignment, ode to VMI. It is based on my feelings after attending their Open House program this past March. It's not Shakespeare, but it's from the heart.

The grounds were frosted over with the dew
Cadets were walking to and from their ways
As I stood and took it in, all anew,
My heart it stopped as in a sudden daze.
The prospect of my budding future here
Was overwhelming as it beckoned me.
And yet behind, beyond the daunting fear
I knew that nothing held me back; I’m free
To live, to dream, to go beyond all sense
Common to the normal man’s future plans.
To toil, to fight and labor for a chance
To push beyond VMI’s demands.
What a chance to spend the rest of youth at

Virginia Military Institute.

Copyright 2011

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