Friday, March 11, 2011

Funny #2

I am not a runner in the sense that I like running. I love what running does to my body and mind, but it is a conscious choice to drag my lazy butt outside and run. So today, I decided to bring along the generic mp3 player to mask the discomfort. And guess which song comes on first? The background song to the battle scene in The Chronicles of Narnia, aka, Concentrated Epicness. The song rushes me out of the driveway and onto the street. I feel good--really good. Until about a minute later. I hadn't noticed that I had started at full speed and had forgotten to breathe normally. A stitch started to grow, and by the final measure, I was limping back to the house sucking wind and nursing my side. I'll try again tomorrow, after the SAT. -_-

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