Thursday, July 1, 2010

Entry 2, ARG 2010

June 23, 2010

It's Wednesday-I think. Yesterday was somewhat hectic. We had a good concert last night. The toilets at our hotel were nasty. The beds were musty. The room was small. But I haven't gotten nauseous, (despite the fact the food is weird) which evens it all out. I'm looking forward to US food. I'm looking forward to the American flag. The US beat Algeria. (Here was a break in time)

The first part of this entry was written on a bus to the Word of Life, er, Palabra de Vida campus. Now I'm on the bus for the next (now 6) hours to Santa Fe. Or Cordoba. I forgot. I'm sure it's Santa Fe. I had a good 30 minute nap, and am surprised I didn't sleep longer on account of the stress and lack of sleep I got last night. There's a bunch of cows, as expected. There are sheep, too. I've only seen one flock, though. I was surprised at 7:30 (this morning) when it was still dark outside when I remembered that it's winter here. The sky looks like winter, too. It hasn't been too cold as of late. The coolest times are in the morning and evening; it warms up during the day. The trees here are cool. Big, nice, meaty trees. Not the wimpy pines and palms in Florida. Some girls keep flirting with the Argentine guys. One girl got an e-mail address. There are a lot of farms along the road I'm on. I'm going to read the book I was supposed to read on the plane now.

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