Thursday, July 1, 2010

Entry 1, ARG 2010

June 2, 2010

I'm currently approaching Santiago de Cuba. It's 9:35, and I've been flying for about an hour and a half. I've been able to complete some Algebra, which is quite a feat considering I'm in a very nice plane with flight attendants 10 feet away from me with food and drink. This plane is quite the contrast from the previous plane. The previous one was an old, cramped, freezing cold propeller plane that looked like it didn't belong in a modern air fleet. There were two aisles, both smack against the walls of the 20 foot wide body. This one is much nicer. There are three aisles and plenty of leg room. Lasagna and chicken are coming my way, waiting to be selected. I think I'll pick chicken.

The Miami flight was delayed for 30-45 minutes on account of pouring rain. The only other incident was where we hit what I believe to be turbulence, and about three girls screamed in unison. The flight crew found it amusing.

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