Thursday, July 1, 2010

Entry 3, ARG 2010

June 26, 2010

2:30 Sat morning. We're in the nicest hotel yet. It seems like we've gone from rough to nicer to nicest hotels. Before I forget, I need to mention we have translators from Word of Life Argentina. One of them is really funny. Another one likes playing with my hair. The (FBC) girls keep swooning over one or two of them (WoL translators). It's annoying. It's distracting. It doesn't matter much, I guess, and it won't matter pretty soon. We sung at a Chorus School (on) Friday and felt so outdone by them. I signed a little kid's paper. Friday's last concert was probably the best by far. Not only did the drama, choir, and orchestra teams perform well, I had an opportunity to discuss God and faith with a girl very roughly my age. I did my best, but she wanted proof of God, and I told her God requires faith. I half broke down thinking about the decision (or almost decision) she made. Some friends (Chelsea and David) reminded me it's not my job to save someone. It's my job to share. I pray the seed that was planted will be watered and harvested by another.

I love this place, but I miss the American flag. I think national pride (culture), comfort, and schedules have been my main sacrifices this week.

There are no street traffic lights, signs, or markings. No one obeys the speed limit. No one will stop for pedestrians unless you're directly in front of them. There are dogs everywhere, and I saw two nearly make out. Eww.

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