Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pick me!

When people quote Isaiah 6:8, I almost always picture the Trinity talking amongst themselves in an airy room with ionic pillars. They are discussing strategy of how to tell man of his iniquity and of God's holiness and perfection. Then God says, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" I then picture me, five inches high, hopelessly jumping up and down with one hand in the air saying, "Ooh, ooh, pick me! PICK ME!"

While it is true that I have the opportunity every day to tell people of the Creator, tomorrow, I, along with around 130 of high schoolers, have the privilege of going to a whole other continent and sharing with Argentines the hope of our Savior. This is something big. This is something that doesn't happen everyday. For the next nine days, we will be immersed in a different country and culture, putting on concerts in an effort to introduce people to a God who cares.

As you can imagine, I am excited, nervous, excited, etc. I'm hoping to take at least some pictures, but this may be somewhat difficult as we will be on the go the majority of the time. I was even considering posting updates on here, but again, I don't know how that would work, since our internet access will be purposefully limited, if not non-existent altogether.

I am going to attempt to keep something at least remotely similar to a journal whilst down there. Perhaps I could post the entries when I return.

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