Friday, March 21, 2014

The Beiber complex

Back in the day when Justin Beiber was cute and innocent, I said I hated him. Well, I hated his sissy-ness, and I know I'm not the only girl (or guy). But in the closet of my mp3 player, I had a couple of his songs that I particularly appreciated. Why? Because despite his too-sweet-for-real-life eyes and hairdo that I despised, there were elements of the message in his lyrics that tugged at my 16-year old heartstrings, as I am sure it did for other closet Beliebers. And despite my still-withstanding dislike of the fellow, I still find myself nodding along to (some of) his tunes, half in disbelief that I do.

The reason I do this is a reason I believe most girls share, and it would behoove my male Bieber-hater contemporaries to pay attention to that magical concoction of wooing words that drives many girls wild, if they are seeking guidance in the subject.

 Honestly, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise. What do girls crave the most? Security, emotional and physical. Validation. To feel special and unique. And they want this from a guy, possibly, hopefully, a good-looking guy. What do you find in Justin Beiber's songs? "I saw so many pretty faces, now all I see is you," "There's gonna be one less lonely girl," "I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold," "I'll be your soldier, fighting every second of the day for your dreams," etc..

These desires at the very core of every girl on the planet. I don't care how tough she is--it's ingrained in our very DNA. We don't just want to be the object of your gratification, not just the trophy on your arm that you passively show off to the guys. We want you to genuinely care for, fight for, and treasure us, as we want to do for you.

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