Thursday, December 12, 2013


I never really thought so much about it until today, but I am so thankful that I have the ability to read, to write, and to reason. Without the ability to read, I wouldn't be able to tap into so much physically recorded information. I'm sitting in the library at my school and there are thousands of books in here. There is so much knowledge in physical space just sitting around, ready to be made use of. The ability to read allows such knowledge to be transferred directly to me.

The ability to read wouldn't mean much if I couldn't make anything out of it mentally. God gave me a sound, functioning mind unhindered by disease or disability. I am able to piece together words, grammar, structure, verses, essays, stories, formulas, truths, and lies. I am able to interact with the world around me intelligently and willfully. 

Finally, the ability to write allows me to communicate what I have read, reasoned, and created. I too get to physically convey with others ideas in the same way I received them through print. Through advances in technology such as the internet, my ideas have the potential to be spread literally across the world, becoming just as ready to be viewed as the books standing in the shelves next to me. 

What gifts. As hard as school can be, it doesn't come without reward. All three gifts are strengthened through the rigorous use school puts them through. These gifts are skills that must be used to sharpen them and maintain them. 

So as I feel the pressure of exam week coming in, I can't help but be thankful that I am here and have the opportunity that sadly many people in the world don't have. And while I may never be a genius, I have the tools to do and be something great. What will it be?

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