Monday, January 28, 2013

Some things I've learned in six months here at VMI:

1.    Don't let your failures cripple you. Learn and move one; don't take it personal.
2.    Let go of perfectionist tendencies. Do your absolute best.
3.    It doesn't matter when people aren't satisfied with you and you know you're doing the right thing. Be confident in whatever it is that you're doing.
4.    People will let you down. You will let people down.
5.    Relationships can be messy, but they are worth it.
6.    Find relationships that are worth the mess.
7.    Work hard. Improve yourself. Don't give up.
8.    Time can only go forward. Yesterday will never happen again. Take advantage of the day, and take it one day at a time.
9.    God never left you. You forgot He was there.
10.  F-Troop really is the best, every other company can go home. Especially Echo.

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