Friday, March 23, 2012

Of warriors

Warriors. It seems that common society pays them no attention until they need them. They are looked upon as strange, perhaps even mad beings who study the art of war and practice methods of maiming and killing. They are monsters. They are mindless brutes. They are OK with hurting people. Or so it seems. And the only reason they are allowed to exist is because one day, society might find them useful. There may come a faction that poses a threat to society, and society comes to the warriors for protection.

Of course, now society doesn't mind that they are monsters, or mindless brutes. They are comfortable that the warriors are armed with knowledge of war and deadly skill. They laud their strength and prowess. They stand, miles behind the battlefield, ever thankful that the warriors stand between them and certain doom, even death.

But once the battle is over, once the dust clears and the warriors return, society sees them bloody and torn. They are battle-scarred, and weary-eyed. The warriors have been challenged, and they have won, but not without great price. They must carry some of their brothers home, some dead, some barely alive. They have seen what few see, experienced what few experience. It has affected the warriors. It has hardened them, and tendered them. They look to the society which they protected. Wide-eyed, they stare at the warriors slowly, proudly walking by. There is a look in each and every one of the warrior's eyes. They are weary. They are deadly. And they are proud.

Society is frightened by this. This is not conducive to every day life in society. So they show the warriors back to their corner. Back to where it acceptable to society for them to live. Society is nervous around the warriors, and they do not understand them. Society tries to speak to the warriors, but they do not understand them. They do not understand why they carry on the way they do, speaking so crassly, living so daringly.

Because of this, the warriors likewise shun society. Perhaps not outwardly, but in their hearts, they know they will never understand. They will never understand why they think they way they do, why they act the way they do. The younger, more excitable warriors cope by ridiculing society. Society doesn't understand, so they will not make an effort to get along. The older, wiser warriors have learned how to interact with society. They teach the younger that society is not evil, they are just not warriors.

Through the ages, society and its warriors have managed to live together. This is only done by the willingness on both sides to let down their guards and talk, understand, negotiate, and compromise. It will forever be a complex relationship; society needs the warriors, and the warriors need society. They may not understand each other, but they will always need each other, and that's how it always will be.

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