Thursday, January 26, 2012


I know it's not Mother's Day yet, but this kinda just came to me. Criticism welcome!

Don't you know the joy she felt;
it seemed as though the world would melt
as the doctor placed you in her arms,
kicking and screaming and all alarmed?

She looked into your squinty face
(apparently, you didn't like this cold, bright place).
So she held you close to keep you warm-
it was like your bodies were meant to conform.
The whole world seemed to pass her by
as she stared, captive, into your eyes.

"Why would God entrust me
with such a great responsibility?
I'm nothing, no one, my resume's bland,
I've been assigned a task I don't understand!
This child I hold needs only the best,
of care, of nurture, of morals, no less!

Oh Father, I realize I can't do this alone.
That's why I come now, humbly, before Your throne.
Have mercy on me, sinful creature that I am
that I may claim forgiveness through the blood of of Your Lamb!"

The Father rose from His holy seat.
Kneeling, He lifted her face to see.
"My daughter, I love you. You know that I do.
I hold your beginning, your end, and I will see you through.
This task is by far, far more than you can bear.
The angel you hold deserves the best of care.
You have asked for my help, and my help you shall have.
But be warned, this is a Journey, not a half-class act."

The next thing she knew, there was a candle shaped "2".
Two years gone by; already, they were through!
This was still the beginning, she thought with a sigh.
She watched with great glee as you toddled by.

And toddle you did for months on end
learning to live in your family's den.
She remembered the words of the loving Father.
Through the Journey she progressed farther and farther.

You grew and grew in wisdom and stature,
until one day, she barely recognized the young woman, her daughter.
They sat down for a talk one Sunday afternoon
sipping iced tea on that hot day in June.

"Darling, my Journey with you is almost complete.
You're grown up now, as plain as anyone can see.
I've had the privilege and honor of watching you grow,
You've come a long way, more than you know.

From the first day I saw you, right until now,
I've given you my all, as God would allow.
And now, here you are, beautiful and grown,
all set and all ready to start a Journey of your own.

Remember who you are, don't you forget-
you're forgiven, you're loved, you're mine, and that's that.
This Prince Charming you've found IS quite a stud,
but don't forget the Father, your first love.
It is He alone who has brought me through,
and He's been eagerly waiting to see you through, too!"

And with that word, down the aisle you walked,
slowly, carefully, just like you rehearsed.
She stood in the front row, tear in her eye,
trying desperately not to cry.

After a couple of years went by,
you launched your own expected surprise!
A new generation, merely a seed,
had been planted in you, for you to lead!

Right there and then you came humbly alone
to the feet of the Father, to the foot of the throne.
To ask for His help as your mother before you
in your own Journey, uncharted and new.

Your mother helps you in the best ways she can,
but she is only a descendant of mere mortal man.
So are you, little girl, so frail.
You can do your best, but it's to no avail.

You are on a Journey, and you need a guide,
a Heavenly Scout, a Father, a Light.
And those you have if only you ask.
They're free to His children from the first to the last.

So set out on your Journey empowered and owned,
all this because you're not out there alone.

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