Monday, November 14, 2011

Xtreme Makeover!!! (Blog edition)

Don't know if you've noticed, but this blog baby got a SERIOUS MAKEOVER!

I am quite proud of the blog header. She's a result of my own imagination, GIMP skills, and love. Since I'm still in amateur awe over the sheer fact that something I made actually worked (and actually looks half decent), I thought I'd share my artistic and philosophic reasoning behind the logo and overall look.

Let freedom ring is a part of one of my favorite patriotic tunes, "My Country tis of Thee". It also expresses my and every other American's First Amendment rights. The blog was originally purely political in nature, hence, the heavy patriotic symbolism. You "hear", by way of the blog, my opinions (ring), of which I have the right to openly share (freedom).

"This is my blog. There are many like it but this one is mine." is a play on the Marine Corps rifleman's creed. Yes, I'm "that guy", that wannabe trying to shyly edge in her humble flattery via imitation. Anyway, the point is, there are many blogs out there on the worldwide web, but I'd bet my socks that mine is the only one you'll find like it.

The crossed swords are meant to give the blog a warrior-esque feel, since I consider myself one. Why not M16s or uzis? Because swords tend to be a symbol of a more civilized age, as Obi-Wan would say, and besides, they look nicer. But for the record, there's still a special place in my heart for modern firearms.

The cherry blossoms are a little tribute to my Asian heritage. It could be argued that being half Filipino, a tree most commonly associated with Japan is ill-fitting for my particular case. To which I reply, with utmost boldness and vigor, "So?". Come on. They're pretty...

I also gave the blog a cleaner look to match the header. Think about it. I shuffled the blog to match the header. Ha. Ha ha.

I think it looks good. Hope you like it.

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