Thursday, July 7, 2011

La Family

I'm back from an enjoyed weekend in Tennessee with a bunch of my extended family. Lots of fun was had out on the boat, being slung around on the "Ho-ho" behind the boat, wakeboarding (er, attempting to wakeboard), eating food, losing playing games, and just chilling. Oh yeah, and fireworks. But one night, one of my cousins asked a question that set me thinking.

Sitting around on the porch, just us kiddies, this one cousin started asking us all questions like "What's your favorite color? What animal would you be?". And then, the infamous "If you had three wishes, what would they be?" After being informed that I couldn't wish for three more wishes, I commenced. "A family," I instantaneously said, counting off my finger. But then a pause. And a longer pause. And an even longer pause. I was amazed; I couldn't think of anything else.

Yeah, I want to be a Marine, but that's something I have to work for. Being successful would be great, but again, that's something anyone can do with hard work. But to have a family...that's a something effort can't lay at your feet.

A family is a blessing given by God himself.

As I pondered that for the next few days, it reminded me just how rich I am. I have a mom and dad who have, do, and always will love me, a brother who doesn't kill me (OK--he loves me), and a great extended family on both sides of the parental unit.

I am rich now, but I can imagine just how much richer I would be to wake up on a Saturday morning and have little spawn crawl into me and hubby's bed for some good old fashioned snuggling. If I was forced to choose, I would take the title of "Mommy" over "Lieutenant".

This year's annual pilgrimage was boatloads (pun) of fun. As I count down the days until I graduate and become an independent independent, each day as a dependent independent grows sweeter. And that family I've grown up with for the past 17 years? Despite the fact that I'm clawing at the door, begging to be let out, I can tell that living without them is going to take some getting used to.

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