So I hear news that President Obama canceled prayer day. I myself have not looked into this, so I don't know the specifics--but I do know this. The absence of a National Prayer Day doesn't mean we can't still pray.
As a matter of fact, this shouldn't be of too much alarm, if you think about it.
It shouldn't be a surprise. America has slowly and surely turned Her back on God, after all.
And really, shouldn't we be praying for our Nation regardless of a set date? I realize that a set, National day of prayer would help bring a sense of unity, togetherness, and a day of focus on the Nation. But why can't we pray for our Country everyday?
Just a thought.
The rumor most certainly is NOT true. President Obama made no such statement, and is still planning on issuing a proclamation for the day just like he did last year.
That said, US District Judge Barbara B. Crabb has ruled the day unconstitutional(a result of a lawsuit from the Freedom From Religion Foundation), and it does put next year's Day Of Prayer in jeopardy, but not this year's. Our president has not gone against the day one bit, and is in fact a defendant in the case.
I'm unsure about the constitutionality of the day, because really, the government IS telling us how/when to pray. In my opinion, the National Day Of Prayer should be run by the churches, not the government. I agree with you that the absence of the day doesn't keep us from praying. If the government stops holding it, the churches can still hold the day if they want.
Thanks for the feedback.
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