Tuesday, November 11, 2014

No more

I'm done with cultured Christianity. Or whatever Christianity I grew up with.

Because it told people they're free in Christ but purses its lips at their bikinis and tattoos.
Because it tells the visiting gay couple in its church they must change, but says nothing to the hundreds of obese members, slandering members, and lying members.
Because it told me that model Christian women are quiet and gentle, but those who are loud, strong, and challenge the status quo are strange and not accepted in the circle.
Because it accepts "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth", but not "...the water had become wine."
Because it uses emotion-charged messages and presentations to guilt, intimidate, and otherwise coerce people into making spiritual decisions.
Because it says Catholics aren't real Christians, yet Protestants boast their own ability to interpret scripture for themselves, leading to several "Spirit-inspired conclusions".
Because anything less than a vocation in "Christian service" is not as cool.
Because following Jesus is a catchprase and a pretty thing to hang on your wall at home and on your car instead of a lifestyle and mindset.
Because in too many places of worship, somber, purposeful worship has been nearly obliterated and replaced with distracting, concert-like productions.
Because four letter words are not tolerated, but cliques, establishments, and saved seats are.

I am convinced that true Christianity is anything but peaceful and proper or cool. Most of the time, it's difficult, complex, weird, and messy. At least this has been my experience. Life doesn't fit into boxes, or black and white, or lines and space. To be fair, not all Christian communities match what I previously described. Rather, the vibe that I described is one I have to internally fight. That I'm not a good Christian unless I ascribe to that unspoken creed, or culture, or norm, or whatever it is. No more. I'm ready for the real thing.

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