Monday, January 6, 2014


I've been made oh-so blatantly aware of how I take my faith for granted. I feel so ashamed for not having a ready-to-go knowledge base that I can use to construct logical arguments and defend my Protestant beliefs from Catholic beliefs. 

It's a pity that these cousin denominations are so close and similar yet so far apart. Just the tiniest little bit of difference in fundamental doctrine drastically change the appearance and priorities of the two.

And all my life, I've rested easy, knowing-just knowing-that I could scripturally refute anyone who challenged Protestant ideals. Friends, I challenge you today to know your differences. Know not only exactly what you believe and why you believe it, but what they believe and why they believe it.

Denominations aside, how dare we be so irresponsible with our theology? This is what we what we hold dear. This is what commands our lifestyles. This is what we believe to be true. We have been given a gift. A gift that gives us a look at our God. We are able to know of His character, His goodness, His justice, His demands. And He demands that we be ready, in and out of season. May we be found worthy workmen that have no need for shame, and may we rightly handle the word of truth.

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