Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Dazzled

I was able to watch part of the State of the Union address last night. I admit, I only understood about a quarter of what exactly was being discussed. The very fact that I don't understand bothers me. I'm not one to take a stand about something without having at least a general to mid-depth understanding of it first.

Unfortunately, that causes me to shirk away sometimes. Everything appears so complicated and just, well, big. But somehow, I'm still drawn. I don't know why, but I am, and I don't plan on letting the fear of not understanding things drag me down.

I suppose it takes time. There's a lot of issues out there, and there's no way I'll be like Coulter, Palin, or Limbaugh overnight. I'll stick with what I know, maybe start local, and keep my heads in the books-er, computer screen.

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